Diogo Esteves is Master in Law and Sociology and doctoral researcher at the Fluminense Federal University's Program of Sociology and Law (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Direito da Univeridade Federal Fluminense – PPGSD/UFF), where he conduct comparative studies on access to justice and legal aid. He is Professor at Foundation Superior School of Public Defender's Office of Rio de Janeiro (Fundação Escola Superior da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – FESUDEPERJ), where he teaches brazilian legal aid since 2012. He is also a Public Defender of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (since 2008) and works representing vulnerable people in civil and criminal cases. His researcher resulted in several books and articles on the subject of access to justice and legal aid, including: "Access to Justice in Brazil - The Brazilian Legal Aid Model", co-authored with André Castro, Cleber Alves and Franklyn Silva (2017); "Princípios Institucionais da Defensoria Pública", co-authored with Franklyn Silva (2018); and ブラジルにおける司法アクセス・ブラジルの法律扶助モデル co-authored with Tomoki Ikenaga and Cleber Alves (Jiyu to Seigi – 2017). Currently, he is general coordinator of the Global Access to Justice Project (with Alan Paterson, Bryant Garth, Cleber Alves and Earl Johnson Jr.).